News Archive

The Igbo-Ukwu Bronzes
In May 2024, alongside a visit to the National Museum by a delegation from the Igbo-Ukwu community, a team from Factum Foundation carried out a training programme for a group...

The lost model of Ricardo Bofill’s ‘Kafka’s Castle’
For the exhibition ‘Kafka. Making of an Icon’ (May 30 – October 27, 2024), celebrating the 100th anniversary of Franz Kafka’s death, the Bodleian Libraries partnered with Factum Foundation to...

AOA – ARCHiVe Online Academy 2024
At the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, the new year at AOA – ARCHiVe Online Academy has already started with the new modules on ‘Access to image-based resources in the context of the...

Online photogrammetry workshop for students from Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka
Factum Foundation, in collaboration with ARCHiVe Online Academy, is inviting university students of architecture, archaeology, and heritage conservation to an online workshop on Photogrammetry in Heritage Documentation. This workshop is...

Tactile maps and booklets for the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore
As part of the larger initiative ‘PNRR – Piano nazionale ripresa resilienza’, Fondazione Giorgio Cini worked towards a new threshold of accessibility on the grounds of San Giorgio Maggiore. Factum...

In Memory of Manuel Franquelo
It is with great sadness and deep admiration that we remember Manuel Franquelo, a genuine artist and someone who understood the nature of representation as a painter, photographer, engineer, poet...

The Wilton-Warburg Kriophoros
From 1957 to 2007, the entrance to the Warburg Institute, Britain’s most important centre of Renaissance studies, was watched over by a curious guardian: a sculpture of Hermes Kriophoros (ram-bearer)...

Recording the rediscovered ‘Ecce Homo’
Factum Foundation, as part of the Colnaghi & Factum joint venture, is delighted to announce the recording in high resolution of the Ecce Homo recently attributed to Caravaggio. Since 2021, the rediscovered work has...

New donations to Strawberry Hill House
Two new facsimiles of paintings are now on display at Strawberry Hill House. In total there are now about 35 facsimiles by Factum in Strawberry Hill House helping to make...

‘Prints, Plates & Pixels’ at the Weston Library, Oxford
The exhibition ‘Prints, Plates & Pixels’ (May 16th – August 18th, 2024) curated by Chiara Betti, offers a new perspective on heritage objects at the Weston Library, part of the...

Boxed set of Factum Foundation’s main publications for every €1000 donation
Iconoclastic destruction, mass tourism, war, natural disasters, imperfect restoration and commercial exploitation all pose serious threats to the preservation of many great works of art and culture. From Egypt’s Valley...

‘The Poetics of Fire and Earth’: an exhibition in Úbeda
For over 2 years, Factum Foundation worked with Melchor Tito Sr. and Melchor Tito Jr., a family of potters, on a project to revive and fire a traditional Arabic kiln...

Save the Date: Oulu Innovative Playground
Thursday, April 11th
Oulu Innovative Playground is an event dedicated to sharing experiences and exploring new possibilities in the post-industrial landscape. Esteemed speakers will present their projects, aiming to discover innovative solutions for...

Facsimile of one of the exterior panels of the Beaune Altarpiece
As part of the exhibition ‘REVISITING VAN EYCK. The Virgin of Chancellor Rolin’ at the Musée du Louvre (March 20 – June 17, 2024), the Hospices Civils de Beaune used...

7 & 14 March 2024 – ARCHiVe Online Academy: 3D Digital Investigation for Canvases and Painted Panels
SAVE THE DATES: 7 & 14 March, 3pm — 5pm (CET) Online course featuring two projects undertaken by ARCHiVe, alongside other case studies: the digitisation of the Palazzo Cini Gallery (47 panel...
Showing 16-30 of 307 results