This section is dedicated to the books and publications that often accompany projects carried out by the Factum Foundation. Many of them are free to read, while some can be purchased on our Shop. We also have a profile on with a number of extracts from our publications.
If you wish to reference our material or use images by us for academic purposes or for commercial publications, contact us detailing the scope of your project.
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The Theban Necropolis Preservation Initiative2016 – 2020
Factum Foundation2016 – 2019
Factum Foundation2013 – 2016
Theban Necropolis Preservation Initiative2016
Factum Foundation 2009 – 2013
Publications & Catalogues
Factum: A digital mediation studio
The Bakor Monoliths
Colnaghi & Factum
Masterpiece [Re]Discovery
Exhibition Booklet
The Aura in the Age of Digital Materiality
Scanning Seti I
Re-creating the lost silver map of al-Idrisi
A Selection of Texts by Adam Lowe and Charlotte Skene Catling
The Sacred Cave of Kamukuwaká
Diverse Maniere
In Harm’s Way
The Re-Materialisation of Idrimi
Soane’s Ark
Two Hundred Years in the Life of the Tomb of Seti I
The Authorized Facsimile of the Burial Chamber of Tutankhamun
Beato de Liébana
The Dama de Elche
The Tomb of Seti I
Articles & Contributions
A Dialogue on Art Reproductions
Originali vs. Riproduzioni. Quale futuro
From the recording of a painting to the recording of an island
Tutankhamun, One Hundred Years after the Discovery. New Challenges in a Changing World
Articulate Stones in the Digital Age: “Wrinkles, Scars, Blotches, Bruises, Fractures, Mutilations, Amputations, Dislocations, and Restorations
Digital Recording in a time of Iconoclasm, Mass Tourism, Celebrity Culture and Anti-Ageing
Copying the Sarcophagus (Seti I)
The Ida Palmyra Arch Copy
Can 3D recording help preserve threatened sites in Syria and Iraq?
Focusing on Form: The Future of Photography
Re-visioning the World: Mapping the Lithosphere
The Oxford Handbook of The Valley of the Kings
The Complex Relationship Between Image and Skin
Mapping a Map: Factum Arte at The Sala Bologna
The Migration of the Aura: How to Explore the Original Through its Facsimile
Returning Les Noces de Cana by Paolo Caliari