Press Articles
The vanishing violet in van Gogh’s Irises
Rescuing the Future
Scans reveal ‘doodling’ William Blake’s earliest engravings
Bobbly lines and an unfinished doodle: super-high-res scans may show William Blake’s first-ever engravings
William Blake’s teenage copper plate doodles discovered
William Blake’s boyhood doodles are discovered after 250 years: Scans reveal a smiley face etched by the poet on copperplates he handled as an apprentice
How a plastic cave made in Spain keeps Amazonian culture alive 5,000 miles away
Charlotte Skene Catling on reviving Alvar Aalto’s derelict silo in Oulu as research center
IndÃgenas do Xingu recebem réplicade gruta com petróglifos apósoriginal ser vandalizada
Replican una gruta ancestral de un pueblo indÃgena brasileño en impresión 3D
Xingu ganha réplica em 3D de gruta sagrada
Pesquisadores reconstroem réplica de gruta sagrada perdida há mais de 60 anos após demarcação de terra indÃgena em MT
Inside kurt schwitters’ merz barn, the dada artist’s final work, revived by factum foundation
The Cumbrian barn-stormer: is Kurt Schwitters’ last masterpiece finally about to be restored?
Could you spot a fake painting? Even experts are struggling
Huge dinosaur skeleton appears in London in middle of the night – with incredible story behind it
Viaggio nei laboratori di Factum, dove si creano sorprendenti facsimili dei capolavori dell’arte
The Renaissance reborn: meet the man who recreates masterpieces
The man who found a solution to the museum restitution row… using a 3D scanner
Rome’s Ancient Grandeur Towers Anew With a Copy of a Colossus
El Coloso de Constantino revive en Roma: la gran obra de una empresa de Madrid con impresoras 3D
Il Colosso di Costantino, una «magnifica illusione»
El horno árabe que despierta de su letargo
A Virginia Museum Repatriated a Nigerian Sculpture and Received a High-Tech Replica in Return. Could the Exchange Shape Future Restitutions?
US museum returns centuries-old Bakor monolith to Nigeria
Will replicas tempt museums to return looted objects more quickly?
Auras migratoires. Entretien avec Adam Lowe, par Jean-Michel Frodon
Il facsimile salverà l’arte?
New imaging tool confirms female scribe etched her name in medieval manuscript
The mysterious doodles hidden in a 1,300-year-old book
El clon español de la tumba de Tutankamón
‘Everything has a price’: estate agent lists historic foundry that once cast Big Ben’s bells
Showing 1-32 of 322 results