The Adoration of the Kings was painted between about 1510 and 1515 by Jan Gossaert (also known as Jean Gossart) and is today within the collection of the National Gallery in London. During an in-depth study, accurate recordings revealed the complexity behind this large (179.8 × 163.2 cm) 16th-century altarpiece, depicting the Three Wise Kings (Balthasar, Caspar and Melchior) visiting the newborn Christ.
After recording the painting in high resolution using their Lucida 3D Scanner and colour photography, the National Gallery requested Factum Arte to produce a perfect facsimile to be displayed within the exhibition Sensing the Unseen: Step into Gossaert’s ‘Adoration’ inside the Winchester Cathedral (January 22 – April 3, 2022). The exhibition also toured in several locations in the UK after 2022.
The surface data was 3D printed using elevated printing technology, moulded in silicone and cast as a thin surface layer of gesso. After printing the colour on the skin using Factum’s custom inkjet printer, the surface was then glued to a polyurethane base, using a vacuum bag to ensure perfect adherence. The end result was then retouched by hand and varnished. The edges of the base were painted to resemble the original oak panel.