Facsimile of a wax Prisoner by Michelangelo

At the V&A in London, the increasingly warm summer temperatures raised concerns for a wax model for one of the Prisoners (Prigioni) Michelangelo made for the tomb of Pope Julius II.

The wax facsimile in Factum Arte’s workshop © Oak Taylor-Smith | Factum Foundation

Working with Rachel Boyd and Kira Zumkley at the V&A, Factum Foundation recreated the model in a wax with a higher melting point than the original, using colour references to ensure a perfect facsimile for display in the gallery in the summer months, when the original must be relocated to a cooler environment.

The 3D printed model (left) and a test in wax (right) © Oak Taylor-Smith | Factum Foundation

Aniuska Martin with the colour references © Oak Taylor-Smith | Factum Foundation

Installed at the V&A © courtesy of Rachel Boyd
