University of Granada: A workshop

In April 2022, Pedro Miró and Osama Dawod ran a workshop with students from the Universidad de Granada, focused on presenting practical applications of high-resolution technologies to record cultural heritage. Over the course of two days, Factum Foundation’s learning-by-doing approach taught the students the basic principles of digitisation (equipment, formats and processing) and the different techniques employed by Factum, such as photogrammetry and LiDAR scanning, and how to combine them.

The students worked on recording architectural details of the Cuarto Real de Santo Domingo, a 13th-century Nasrid palace turned into a Dominican convent in 1492, and Espacio V Centenario, which formerly housed the Faculty of Medicine.

On April 22nd, Carlos Bayod Lucini, Project Director of Factum Foundation, participated in a seminar hosted by the University inside the Palacio de la Madraza, presenting Factum’s projects.

The students testing photogrammetry on small objects © Pedro Miró for Factum Foundation

Osama Dawod and Pedro Miró demonstrating close-range photogrammetry and data processing © Factum Foundation

Students recording details in the Cuarto de Real © Factum Foundation

Shaded renders and details © Factum Foundation
